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Intro to Squarespace Version 7: Switching from Version 6 to 7


This is a video I recorded to hand-off to a new Web Developer who's working for me. In this video, I'm primarily showing what to expect with Squarespace's new "Version 7" update. 

You'll see I've started with Version 6, and switched-on Version 7. Not much detail to view yet, but this should be helpful to know what's coming.


Basically, the difference between Version 6 & 7 is the back-end. The admin controls have been completely redesigned, and you'll soon see how great everything looks. If you're already familiar with Version 6, then you should be able to adapt very quickly to the update, because many of the design patterns are identical— or at least the workflow is very similar.

The biggest difference is the fact that there's not a "back-end" anymore. All site controls / edit functions / settings are now accessed on the front-end of the site. This difference will take a few minutes to grasp, but in my opinion, this takes very little time to learn.

This rather kludgy, unedited training video was recorded by Squareflair at the time of "development hand-off". While representative of the design and development available on the Squarespace platform, each project is unique and completely custom for each application.

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