You’re one click from losing potential customers.
Think about the number of times you’ve gotten frustrated or bored with a website and clicked out to search for a competitor. It’s that easy for customers to slip away.
Do these scenarios sound familiar?
The Agency
You’ve designed the pixel-perfect website. Then the client demands you use the Squarespace Platform because it will be easy for them to manage content. And you don’t know anything about Squarespace, or whether your brand-specific design can even be translated to Squarespace.
The Business Owner
Your website hasn’t generated a decent lead in months. You want a site that’s dynamic, well-designed, and makes it easy to manage the content. Even though you’d rather have someone else do it. Because you don’t have time to waste on your website. Oh yeah – and you expect to stay within your budget.
The Practice Manager
Your healthcare practice has been using the same stale cookie-cutter website template for years. The docs said “fix the website” and then left for the day. Now you need design, hosting, content, and marketing expertise to “fix the website”.

Squareflair – Your simple web development solution.
Building a site from scratch? Current website makeover? Adding e-commerce capabilities?
Whatever your website needs are, the designers and developers at Squareflair are here to make your life easier. And more profitable. We can work across all platforms, but we specialize in Squarespace (see below) because we feel it offers the our clients the benefits they’re looking for:
Once you commit to working with our team, we’ll keep the process simple:
1-Hour Pow-Pow
You talk, we listen.
Tell us your goals. We’ll tell you how we can achieve them.
Custom Strategy
We will present a proposal for your approval. With strategic insights. Doable. Deadlines. And a budget you can live with.
The Grindstone
We hit the ground running – executing your approved plan. With constant communication. And ongoing approval milestones to ensure your website is being built as you expect.
Your Site
When the dust clears, we hand you the keys and show your people how to maximize website results. Then, you take it from there. Or we keep working together, and we handle the things you don’t want to – creating/managing content, monthly updates, etc. It’s your call.

Squareflair is a custom web design studio in Indianapolis, Indiana, serving the USA, Canada, and the world.
“As a designer, I am always looking for inspiration. I am also very interested in the history of places and things, and how technology advances throughout the world. The web and the real world outside is my inspirational resource for designing websites. Contact us today for a design consultation.” — Alan Houser
We’ll admit it. We LOVE Squarespace.
We think it’s the single best platform for both design and content management.
Squarespace has created award-winning software to keep users in charge of their content. We take that torch and run with it by making sure— regardless of the customization— that every project is 100% editable.
Squareflair Services:
DEVELOPMENT – working with your designers to apply your design to the platform.
CONVERSIONS – consulting and/or executing converting current sites to Squarespace.
DESIGN – don’t have a designer? We do. And we make great-looking websites.
CONTENT – our experienced marketing writers have years of experience writing websites, blogs, white papers, and other online content.
CONSULTATION – doing it yourself but need some help? Buy a tech support package and we’ll talk you through it all.