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Call: +1 317 572-7328

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Example: jeff-bezos-design-project-20200117.pdf

Squareflair is a design studio founded by Alan Houser, based in Indianapolis, Indiana— focused on custom Squarespace Design and Development. We specialize in producing clean, simple and accessible websites, with particular expertise in the User Interface.

Our diverse clientele range from independent start-ups to large multinational companies. We have worked on various creative and development projects for the past 20+ years, gaining valuable experience that equips us to make beautifully designed websites that are easy to maintain.

We are specialists in: Information Architecture, User Interface Design, Usability, Accessibility, Semantic Markup, Web Standards, Responsive Design/Development — and making stuff pretty with HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript.

If you’re looking to design better digital products and websites, develop a design system or style guide, or want to understand how design can help your business, you should talk to us.

Squareflair is a brand of:
Creative Component, LLC
23390 West Road
Sheridan, IN 46069